Taster Session at Braidburn Valley 'Tea in the Park'
Interlopers went along to the Braidburn Valley 'Tea in the Park' event to provide an orienteering taster session ...
Interlopers were busy at the Braidburn Valley Tea in the Park event yesterday running taster sessions for families and kids. We put up a micro-O course (a grid of 9 controls with traditional pin punches) with 4 different courses along with several courses out in the park. Over fifty kids did the micro-o, some did short courses, and a number of families took away course maps to try out as well as club flyers with events dates.
A big thank-you is due to a number of club members for helping make it possible: Katherine (our club development officer) for planning beforehand and organising on the day, Pip and Chris for giving up a chunk of their Saturday to help run the activities (micro-o with pin punches plus short courses using the permanent markers), William and Angus for logistics assistance, and Paul and Louise for assistance sourcing club / SOA kit.