
Bioquarter Sprintelope Results - Wednesday 3rd July 2024


Results from our Bioquarter Sprintelope are now available ...

Kinneil Woods Results - Saturday 8th June 2024

Results, report and photos from our event at Kinneil Woods are now available ...



Gracemount Sprintelope Results - 22/5/24

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Results from a soggy Gracemount Sprintelope are now available ...

Buckstane Sprintelope Results - 8/5/24

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Results from our Buckstane Sprintelope now available ...



Craigmillar Castle Park Results - Saturday 2nd March 2024

Results from our local event at Craigmillar Castle Park are now available, along with an event report and photos...

Livingston SOUL Results - Saturday 2nd December

Results from our Livingston SOUL urban race are now available ...

Mortonhall Local Event Results - Saturday 4th November 2023

Results from our local event at Mortonhall are now available ...

Braidburn Local Event Results - Saturday 7th October 2023

Results from Interlopers local event at Braidburn Park on Saturday 7th October 2023 are now available ...

Loch Vaa SOL Results - Sunday 24th September 2023

Results from our SOL at Loch Vaa are now available ...

Grange Sprintelope Results - 16th August 2023

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Results now available.

Buckstane Sprintelope Results - 19th July 2023

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Results now available ...

Mortonhall Sprintelope Results - 5th July 2023

Results now available ...

Dechmont Law SoSOL Results - Sunday 4th June 2023


Results from our Dechmont Law SoSOL are now available ...

Little France Sprintelope Results - 24th May 2023

Sprintelope Logo.png

Results now available ...

Almondell Results and Report - Saturday 13th May


Results and Event Report now available ...

Moredun Sprintelope Results - 10th May 2023


Results now available ...

Kinneil Woods Results - Saturday 1st April

Results from our local event at Kinneil Woods are now available ...

Craigmillar Castle Park Results - Saturday 4th March 2023

Results and report now available.

Livingston Deans SOUL Results - Sunday 20th November 2022

Results from our SOUL event in Livingston Deans are now available ...

JHI Relay Results - Saturday 08th October 2022

Results from Junior Home International Relays at Loch Vaa,  Saturday 8th October 2022 are now available

Loch Vaa Middle Distance Results - Saturday 8th October 2022

Results from our middle distance race at Loch Vaa now available ...

Braidburn Valley Results - Saturday 1st October 2022

Results from our event at Braidburn Valley Park and The Steils are now available - read on for results and an event report ...

Oxgangs Sprintelope Results - 27th July 2022


Results from the Oxgangs Sprintelope can be found here.

Morningside Sprintelope Results - 20/07/2022

The results from the Morningside Sprintelope are here....        Long Course here..    Short Course 

Buckstone Sprintelope Results 06/07/2022

Results from Buckstone Sprintelope can be found here...

Almond Park Local Event Results 04/06/22

Results from our Almond Park event can be found here.

South Edinburgh Sprintelope Results 11/05/2022


Results from our South Edinburgh Sprintelope now available - read on for details ...

Dechmont Law Local Event Results 07/05/2022

Results from our Dechmont Law event now available - read on for more details.

Craigmillar Sprintelope Results 27/4/22


Results from the first Sprintelope of 2022 ...

Kinneil Woods Local Event Results 9/4/22

Provisional results from our event at Kinneil Woods are now available ...

Craigmillar Castle Park Local Event Results 05/03/2022

Thanks to everyone who joined us on a warm spring day at Craigmillar Castle Park, particularly the efficient team of volunteers.  Results are available here...

Thanks also to Colin Inverarity for these photos:

Gullane SOL Results 13/02/2022

Results from the first SOL of 2022 at Gullane ...

Livingston SOUL 5 Results - Almondvale Park 6th November 2021

Massive thanks to the Iain Embrey and Zoe Harding, who planned such excellent courses, to Bill Stevenson for diligent and wise controlling of the event and to the stoic Interlopers volunteers who braved wind and rain to support the event! Great job by all.

Revised results (with classes) are here....  Revised Results

Routegadget here

Braidburn Valley Park Local Event Results 02/10/2021

Thanks to all who joined us dodging the showers for our local orienteering event at Braidburn Valley Park on 2nd October.  

Blackford Sprintelope Results - Wednesday 14th July 2021

A great evening out on Blackford Hill in the sun! Read on for results and planner's comments ...


Moredun Sprintelope Results - Wednesday 23rd June 2021

Results now available ...

Polkemmet Results - Saturday 12th June 2021

Results and Routegadget for our Polkemmet event are now available ...

Fairmilehead Sprintelope Results - Wednesday 12th May 2021


Results from a surprisingly dry Sprintelope in Fairmilehead are now available ...

Dechmont Law Results - Saturday 8th May 2021

Another post-lockdown event, another day back orienteering. What's not to like apart from a little rain? Read on for results ...

South Edinburgh Sprintelope Results - Wednesday 28th April 2021


Results from the first Sprintelope of the 2021 season, in South Edinburgh ...

Local Event Craigmillar Castle 10th April 2021

Results and report from our local event at Craigmillar Castle Country Park on Saturday 10th April 2021...

Local Event Mortonhall 3 October 2020


Results are available here.  There's also a write-up on the BOF website.

Thank you to everyone who took part in our first event since lock-down, braving the weather and mud for some orienteering again!  We...

Local Event Craigmillar Saturday 7th March 2020

Results from Interløpers' Local Event at Craigmillar can be found here...

Split times, WinSplits Online

Local Event Mortonhall Saturday 5th October 2019

Results from Interløpers' local event at Mortonhall are here...

EUOC Freshers SprINTelope Arthur's Seat 11th September 2019

The SprINTelope returned but not quite as you might have known it...

SOL 4 Drummond Hill

Results from SOL 4 Drummond Hill available here...

Local Event Braidburn Valley Park

Our Braidburn Valley Park Come-and-try-it event at the Braidburn Gala on 31 August was a great success. Combining the event with the local gala is a great opportunity to introduce a wider audience to orienteering, as shown by the 80 or so participants, including many new faces.  The weather did its best to upstage everyone, with the high wind...

Kirkliston Sprintelope

Results for the Interløpers Sprintelope at Kirkliston are here...

Routegadget can be found here...

Liberton Sprintelope

Results from the Liberton Sprintelope are available here...

Sprintelope Buckstone

I hope everyone enjoyed last night’s sprINTelope in Buckstone, and that neither the two tape markers going missing – although one was subsequently replaced – nor the slightly unusual map scale of 1:5200 (aka 1:A4 …..) caused too much angst.  I was pleased to see 30+ competitors, despite many regulars being away. ...

Local Event Dechmont Law

Results can be found here...

JOK Chasing Sprint


There was great coverage of the JOK Chasing Sprint on "The Adventure Show" on BBC Scotland on Friday evening, with many Club members taking starring roles.  Pippa Carcas and Mairi Eades took 1st and 2nd in the Junior Women, while Scott Fraser was 3rd in Senior Men.  Jane Ackland was 2nd in the Super Vet Women.


Sprintelope Ellen's Glen

Results can be found here... | Routegadget analysis here...

Hope you enjoyed the devious courses tonight - the controls were meant to be...

Local Event Almondell

Results can be found here...

Sprintelope Astley Ainslie

Many thanks to Jane and the Carcas family for Sprintelope V at Astley Ainslie.

Results can be found here... | Routegadget analysis...

Sprintelope Dalkeith

Local Event Colinton Dell

Thanks to everyone for coming to Colinton Dell - hope you enjoyed the courses despite the weather.  And special thanks to all the Interløpers helpers!

Results of the event, held on Saturday 6 April 2019, are here.

CompassSport Cup/Trophy 2019 - SOA Heat


Congratulations to all those Interløpers who took part in the Scottish Heat of the CompassSport Trophy, held by Clyde at Dunrod Hill, Greenock, on Sunday 17 March.  The Club won the Trophy round, narrowly defeating Clyde by 1281 pts to 1272.  We can now look forward to the possibility of a fourth win in a row at the...

Local Event Craigmillar


A total of 66 folk turned up to try out Paul's courses, held over from a year ago when the Beast from the East struck the U.K..

The Results of the event, held on Saturday 2 March 2019, are here.

Scottish Night Championships

Comments by the Organiser, Paul Caban:

"The first Interløpers event of the year happened last Saturday at John Muir Country Park, Dunbar:  the Scottish Night Championships.

The weather was absolutely perfect – cold, clear and windless – and we had the ideal base of the Farm Park café to run the event from...

INTrepid Weekend 2018


The Results of this year's INTrepid Weekend, held at Eliburn and Dechmont Law on 3/4 November, can be found at this link.

CompassSport Trophy 2018


Interløpers win CompassSport Trophy for 3rd year in a row

The Club took part in the Final, staged by Walton Chasers at Cannock Chase, on Sunday 21 October.  The winning score was 1260 points, ahead of East Pennine with 1224 and South Ribble with...

Braidburn Valley Park 2018


The Results of the Local Event at Braidburn Valley Park on Saturday 1 September 2018 are here.

SprINTelope 17 Astley Ainslie


Results from the final SprINTelope for 2018, held at Astley Ainslie on 8 August, are to be found here.


Local Event at Almondell


The Results of the Local Event held at Almondell on Saturday 4 August may be found here.


Pathhead SprINTelope


Oleg’s shrubbery caused significant navigational and numerical difficulties last night for many people, each of whom should have known better.

To save multiple DSQs, we have decided instead to apply a time penalty of one minute for each missed micro-O control.  However, to show that we’re nice people, in...

Results from SprINTelope 14 Buckstone


Results are at this location.

Results from SprINTelope XIII Dean Village

SprINTelope XIII Dean Village 11 July 2018

Results are at this link.

The King's Buildings

Results from the local event held at King's Buildings on 7 July 2018 are available here.

SprINTelope 10


Hunter’s Tryst proved entertaining for competitors and planner alike.  It had only been used twice for small events since being first mapped by Dave Godfree, and not at all in the last eight years.

Short legs in the more intricate alleyways of the ‘Army’ housing give a good contrast to the more...

Results from SprINTelope VIII, Meggetland

Results from SprINTelope VIII, Meggetland 6th June 2018

Polkemmet Country Park

Results from the local event held at Polkemmet Country Park on 2 June 2018 are available here

Colinton Dell

Results from the local event held at Colinton Dell on 5 May 2018 are available here

SprINTelope 2 Results

Hope you all enjoyed the delights of residential and commercial South Edinburgh.  38 runners completed the courses, and the results are here.

Almond Park

The results from the local event at Almond Park, Livingston, on Saturday 7 April are now available.

Almond Park Results

Mortonhall 2017


Results from the final Local Event of the 2017 programme, held at Mortonhall on Saturday 4 November, may be found at this location.


Intrepid Weekend - SOUL 10 & SOL 7


Results for SOUL 10 at Livingston and SOL 7 at Drummond Hill can be found here

Late in the SOUL 10 event control number 210 was stolen by cutting the gripple wire.  Many thanks to Tim O'Donahue who recovered the kite, but the unit is lost. We looked at...

CompassSport Trophy Final 2017


Interløpers Regain Trophy

At the CompassSport Trophy Final held at Virtuous Lady, near Yelverton in Devon, on Sunday 22 October, the Club regained the Trophy in convincing style, beating Wimborne by 41 points. The full Results page, courtesy of Devon...

Braidburn Valley Park

Results from the Interløpers Braidburn Valley Park Local Event on 7 October can be found at this link

Eliburn Local Event

Results from the Interløpers Eliburn Local Event on 2 September can be found at this link

2017 SprINTelope 5

Results for SprINTelope 5, held at Alnwickhill on Wednesday 26 July 2017, are available at this link.

2017 SprINTelope 4

Results of SprINTelope 4, held at Dalkeith on Wednesday 19 July, may be found at this link.

2017 SprINTelope 3

The Results from SprINTelope 3, held at Whinny Hill, Holyrood Park, on 12 July 2017, are now posted here.

Dechmont Law

Results from the Local Event at Dechmont Law on 1 July are to be found at this location.

Thanks to everyone who took part - especially those who also did a Parkrun!

Keep your eye open for the next in the series of Interløpers...

2017 SprINTelope 2

Results from the second SprINTelope of 2017 at Liberton are now available here.

Calder Wood

Results from our recent event at Calder Wood are available.

Calder Wood Results

2017 SprINTelope 1

The first SprINTelope of the Summer took place at The King's Buildings on Wednesday 31 May.

Results are here

Almond Park

The results from the local event at Almond Park, Livingston, on Saturday 6 May are now available.

Almond Park Results


The Results of the second of this year's Livingston Local Events may be found at this link.

CompassSport Trophy SOA Heat 2017

Full Results from the event at Tentsmuir on 12 March are available from this link.


The Results of the first of this year's Livingston Local Events may be found at this link.

CLS Sprint

CLS Sprint 17 February
(Interløpers winter warm weather training)

The Danes dominated in Scotland at WOC2015.  But Interløpers and friends made a foray into the sports training centre of the world champion's country - Club la Santa, Lanzarote - for some epic sprint racing.

The touch-free honesty punching system proved a big...

Mortonhall results

Results for Mortonhall

CompassSport Trophy Final


"The best little orienteering club in Britain" - Graeme Ackland

There were some fantastic efforts in the Trophy Final at Tankersley, near Barnsley, on Sunday.  Course wins for Alex Carcas, Ann Haley, and Pippa Carcas, Brexit-bashing debuts from Klara, Lucile, and Aymeric, and a series of other great runs.  With Colin Inverarity having...

Braidburn Valley


Results from the ESOA Saturday Series event at Braidburn Valley Park on 8 October 2016 may be found at this location.

Overall SprINTelope Results


Overall SprINTelope league results may be found here.


SprINTelope 9


There was a really good turn-out enjoying the beautiful evening weather at the last SprINTelope of the Series, no. 9, at The Steils on 24 August.

The Results of the event may be found at this link.

SprINTelope 8

Results for SprINTelope 8, held at the King's Buildings on Wednesday 17 August 2016

SprINTelope 7

SprINTelope 7, held on Buckstone Streets on Wednesday 10 August 2016

Purple Thistle 2016

Results from this year's Purple Thistle, held on 30-31 July at Balmacara, and organised by Tessa Strain.

SprINTelope 6


Results for SprINTelope 6, held on Wednesday 27 July 2016 at Regent Road/Calton Hill, are available from this link.

SprINTelope 5


The results from SprINTelope 5, on Wednesday 20 July at  Fountainbridge, are now available from this link.


SprINTelope 4

SprINTelope 4 found us at Loretto School, Musselburgh, with the short course entirely within the Campus, and the longer course heading out into the surrounding streets towards the coast.  And who knew that such a gem of an area lay unmapped so close to the city? Answer: Scott Fraser, newly employed and resident there.  As to be expected from one of our...

SprINTelope 3

Results from SprINTelope 3, held at Swan Spring on 6 July 2016, are available at this location.

SprINTelope 2

Gracemount - 15 June 2016

SprINTelope 1

The first INT event was on Wednesday 1 June from Pollock Halls

SoSOL 6 Calder Wood

Results for SoSOL 6 at Calder Wood on 15 May 2016

SOL 2 Culteuchar

Results for SOL 2 at Culteuchar on 10 April 2016

SOUL 4 Livingston

Results for SOUL 4 at Livingston on 9 April 2016

Craigmillar results

Results for the Craigmillar Saturday event on the 6th Feb 2016 organised by Paul Caban

Mortonhall results

Results for Saturday 5 December 2015

Blackford and Hermitage results

Results for Saturday 7th November 2015

George Square/Meadows Sprintelope

The results from the final Sprintelope of the Summer, organised by Paul in George Square and The Meadows, are now available at this link.

Gracemount Sprintelope

The results from Colin and Lorna's Sprintelope at Gracemount on 26 August are here.

Redford Sprintelope

Graeme prefaced his results with these comments:

"Hope you all enjoyed a beautiful evening and the unveiling of the latest bit of Edinburgh forest-urban terrain in Redford.  Apologies for the unexpected midge-fest at the Finish."

The results may be found at this link.

Fountainbridge and The Exchange

Colin Ledlie - Sprintelope 29 July 2015

Oxgangs Urban Training

The Planner/Organiser, Pat Squire, has provided the following comments:

"Thanks to all who came along to the Oxgangs event.  Fortunately we had a bright if somewhat chilly evening.  I trust you all enjoyed the courses and the challenges they posed.  My apologies for putting control no. 18 on the Long course in the wrong place.  I trust this...

South Morningside Sprint-elope

Hope everyone enjoyed the somewhat devious courses I planned today.  On the long course a little bit of local knowledge might have helped if you knew you could definitely get out the East side of Astlie Ainsley (there is a small pedestrian entrance).  If you didn't spot this you probably had quite a long run on the way back.

With a bit more time I would have tightened up on the map drawing/control descriptions, some of which was a little 'iffy' but I was out of action with the dreaded lurgy earlier this week.

My apologies for those of you that had hand drawn modified short maps for the long course (thanks Colin for drawing!).

Max - planner/controller/organiser!

Buckstone Sprintelope

Robin Galloway - Buckstone Sprint-elope

Almond results

The second of the Livingston Local Events took place at Almond Park on Saturday 16 May.

The results for the colour-coded courses (Green, Light Green, Orange and Yellow) are available from this link.

The Maze Results are

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Eliburn results

The first of the Livingston Local Events, coinciding with the launch of the Permanent Course, was held at Eliburn Parks on Saturday 9 May.

The Results for the Green course may be found here.

The Maze Results are

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Tulliallan results 2015

Results for SoSOL at Tulliallan 26 Apr 2015....

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SOL1 Gullane 2015 results

Results from SOL1, Gullane Bents 2015
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Vampire O

Results from the Interløpers Vampire O on Halloween on the Spooky Meadows...

Congratulations Samuel - you are the vampire slayer

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Craigmillar Park

INTrepid - SOUL3 & SoSOL6 - Livingston

Kinneil Wood

Urban O 4 - Old Town

Urban O 3 - Colinton

Urban O 2 - Liberton

Urban O 1 - South Gyle

SOL1 Results

Results are now available for Interlopers CompassPoint Scottish O League 1.

read more…

SoSOL 2 Calder Wood

SOUL 5 - Livingston

Urban O 4 - Buckstone

Urban O 3 - Firrhill & Steils

Despite the rain beforehand, this event was reasonably well attended.  The combination of the maze and the street O was well received.  Mass maze participation towards the end of the event was definitley a highlight.  Thank you to Firrhill High School for allowing us access, to all the helpers who turned up in the pouring rain to set up beforehand and...

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Urban O 2 - King's Buildings

Urban O 1 - Colinton

SOSOL 5 - Riccarton

Results are now available here.

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CATI event Craigmillar

Results from Craigmillar, Saturday 31st March 2012

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Cammo Estate

Results from the Interlopers Come And Try It event at Cammo Estate

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Deans and Interlopers Christmas Recanter

Deans and Interlopers Christmas Recanter,
Including the ESOA Championships
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Urban O Old Town

Urban O, held on 20 July 2011 in the Old Town
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Street O, Dean Village

Results from Street O, Dean Village, Wednesday 6th July 2011

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Street O, Tranent

Results from Street O, Tranent, Wednesday 22nd June 2011

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Street O, South Gyle

Results from Street O, South Gyle, Wednesday 8 June 2011

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Street O, Astley Ainslie

Results from Street O, Astley Ainslie, Wednesday 25 May 2011

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CATI event Craigmillar

Results at CATI event Craigmillar, Saturday 2nd April

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SOL 1 Dalrulzion

Scottish Night Champs

CATI event Mortonhall

Interlopers Club Champs - Pollock & St Leonards

South of Scotland Orienteering League 1 & CompassSport Cup

Urban-O Race 6 - South Gyle

Urban-O Race 5 - Liberton

Urban-O Race 4 - The Steils

Urban-O Race 4 - The Steils, 21st July [ Long | Short ]

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Urban-O Race 1 - Edinburgh Old Town East

Urban-O Race 3 - Tranent

Urban-O Race 2 - Buckstone

SoSOL 6 Results - Calder Wood

Scottish Sprint Championships

Club Champs Craigmillar

Scottish Score Champs, Pitmedden

CATI event Mortonhall

CATI Braidburn Park

CATI Craigmillar

SoSOL 7 Norman's Law

Tullochgribban Event

2008 Club Championships

Club Championships, held at Riccarton on 14 December 2008
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Scottish O League 6, Inshriach South

Scottish O League 6, Inshriach South, 12 October 2008

Results by course | Results by class

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SoSOL, Dalkeith Country Park

SoSOL, Dalkeith Country Park, 9 March 2008 results, splits

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SoSOL 4, Calder Wood

SoSOL 7, Norman's Law


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