
Feb 14, 2021

Latest COVID-19 news - spring events rescheduled

Latest update on COVID-19 - we've rearranged our Spring events ...

Given the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, there is no way our 'real' Craigmillar Castle Country Park event can go ahead at the start of March.  As there are Fight With the Night (FWTN) and Winterlope events scheduled until later in March, we've decided to postpone this event to Saturday 3rd April instead of converting it to a MapRun event for now.  We've moved the original April event at Polkemmet to Saturday 1st May and have removed the original Almondell event from the schedule.  All this is subject to further change based on changes (or lack thereof) to current restrictions of course.

For further information, see the most recent SOA Level 4 Guidelines Update (Jan 8).



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