Jan 25, 2013
19th Jan 2013, Cammo
This event is part of a series which are planned to be particularly suitable for introducing newcomers to orienteering. Lots of children took part and were able to put into practice skills learnt at the previous weeks' East of Scotland Junior Training session. Only a little bit of.....
snow was left on the ground so it was good that the organisers held their nerve and didn't cancel. Maureen had planned the longer course with good route choices and was delighted at the large number of entries. Top tip was to try to avoid running in the furrows as you ended up breaking through the ice and getting wet feet In the Carcas household Max still managed to beat Freddie despite getting lost in the walled garden....did he use his compass we ask?...note...he now says he was 'confused' around the walled garden! On the light green course Matt Galloway was 2nd (to Andrew Lindsay) and Ben Hartman 5th amd on the Yellow course Pippa and Cara were 3rd. Our best results were on the White course where Leah came 1st, James 3rd and Sam 4th. Well done.