Strength and Conditioning
Over the winter months, the club runs a weekly Wednesday evening 'Strength and Conditioning' (S&C) session, 6:30 - 7:30pm. It is currently led by our chief coach, Lorna Eades. We typically run on a 4-week cycle of exercises as shown below. These are grouped in 3 sets of 3, and each set is repeated 3 times. At the start of the season, each exercise may be done for 20s at a time; this increases to 40s as the season progresses!
Week 1 | |||
Set 1 |
Calf Raises (20s each leg); |
Russian Twists (with or w/o weight) |
Plank with Shoulder Tap or Superman |
Set 2 | Squats | Airplane Balance |
Shoulder Blade Squeeze (can add a weight) |
Set 3 | Lunges (any type) |
Floor wipers (double or alternating leg) |
Tricep Dips |
Week 2 | |||
Set 1 | Clams (40s each side) | Dead Bug |
Kneeling Back Rotation |
Set 2 |
Hamstring (lie on front, lift leg from knee and slowly lower) |
Bridge (single or double leg) |
Squats |
Set 3 |
Hopping (20s each side) OR calf raises |
Toe tap (aeroplane) |
Side planks OR walk out plank |
Week 3 | |||
Set 1 | Squats |
Table top (diagonal arms and legs) |
Aeroplane |
Set 2 | Lunges | Bicycle Crunches |
Bicep curl (with weight) lift for 2 lower for 4 |
Set 3 | Calf Raises |
Superman (lie on front and lift shoulders/arms/legs, then lower) |
Push Ups |
Week 4 | |||
Set 1 | Gorilla Walk | Sit Ups | Single leg balance |
Set 2 | Clams | Plank with arm twist | Bridge (single or double leg) |
Set 3 | Squat Jumps | Dead bug |
Walk out plank |
12 Days of Christmas
- First Day: A Squat and a burpee
- Second Day: Walk out planks
- Third Day: Star jumps
- Fourth Day: Aieoplanes
- Fifth Day: 5 Glute bridges
- Sixth day:Bicyle crunches
- Seventh Day:Bicep curls
- Eighth day:Dead bugs flailing
- Ninth day:Calfs a raising
- Tenth Day: Backwards lunges
- Eleventh Day: Russian twists
- Twelfth Day: Tricep dips